Rockefeller Statement on DOT Surface Transportation Bill

April 29, 2014

JDR Head ShotWASHINGTON, D.C.—Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV today released the following statement after Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary Anthony Foxx released the Administration’s surface transportation reauthorization proposal, the “GROW AMERICA Act”, that, if enacted, would create millions of jobs and invest in rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure.

“For too long, Congress has undermined the success of our transportation system through inadequate funding. The U.S. was once a global leader in this area, because of our ingenuity and willingness to make tough decisions that would ultimately transform our transportation systems and lead to economic growth. Because of our shortsighted revenue decision-making, the effect has been that our infrastructure has fallen in the ranks worldwide. We’re unwilling to pay for what we so desperately need. Going forward, our economy, our global competitiveness, and the safety of the traveling public will continue to suffer unless we change course immediately.

“Today’s proposal is one step in the right direction. I am pleased the Administration proposed significant new funding to keep the country moving forward, and to also allocate resources to where our transportation system sorely needs them – such as moving freight and improving rail service. Finding ways to pay for this bill will not be easy. The administration has proposed a number of new funding sources and I believe Congress needs to consider these, and every other option for increased infrastructure investment should be on the table. While there is no magic solution to our transportation problems, we need to come together – for the future prosperity and safety of this nation – and move beyond the status quo.”
