Thune and Nelson Statement on Deadly Amtrak Derailment

May 13, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee Chairman John Thune (R-S.D.) and Ranking Member Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) issued the following joint statement on the fatal Amtrak derailment in Philadelphia:
"Our thoughts and prayers go out to passengers, crew, and families of those involved in last night’s Amtrak accident in Philadelphia. We also would like to recognize the hard work of the first responders that reacted so quickly and professionally to the incident.
"At this point, the investigation by the NTSB, Federal Railroad Administration, and others is underway regarding the cause of the accident and any steps that might have prevented or reduced the impact of this tragedy. The Commerce Committee will closely follow the investigation. In the meantime, we will also continue working with our colleagues on passenger rail reform to help address infrastructure needs as well as strengthen the safety of our nation’s passenger rail network."