VIDEO: Thune on the Importance of Bipartisan Net Neutrality Legislation

“There is widespread agreement among senators in both parties that we need to maintain a free and open internet. And there is widespread agreement among both parties that we need net neutrality legislation.”

May 9, 2018

WASHINGTON –  Today, U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, spoke on the floor about tax reform and net neutrality.  


“There is widespread agreement among senators in both parties that we need to maintain a free and open internet. And there is widespread agreement among both parties that we need net neutrality legislation. But as with other issues that should be, and technically are, non-controversial Democrats have decided to take the issue of net neutrality and make it partisan. Instead of working with Republicans to develop permanent net neutrality legislation, they’ve decided to try to score political points with a partisan resolution that would do nothing to permanently secure net neutrality.”