Wicker Requests Facebook, Twitter Disclose Political Interactions Ahead of 10/28 Big Tech Hearing

October 21, 2020

U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, today sent letters to Mark Zuckerberg, Chief Executive Officer of Facebook, Inc., and Jack Dorsey, Chief Executive Officer of Twitter, requesting the companies to disclose any interactions they have had with presidential candidates and their campaigns ahead of the Committee’s Big Tech hearing on October 28.

Excerpt from letter to Zuckerberg and Dorsey:

In the interest of fully disclosing any interactions with the candidates and their campaigns, I request that you provide the Committee with specific information regarding whether and how [Facebook/Twitter] has provided access to any data, analytics, or other information to either major political party, candidate, or affiliates thereof. This includes information related to post or page performance, engagement, or other data that might shape or influence decision-making by the candidate or campaign. In addition, please indicate whether this information is provided equitably to all candidates, and how decisions are made regarding what information is provided and to whom.

Given the time-sensitive nature of this request and the approaching election, I would ask that you please provide the requested information to Committee staff as soon as possible, but no later than October 26, 2020. 

Click here for the letter to Zuckerberg and here for the letter to Dorsey.