Cantwell Leads Innovative Spectrum Legislation to Strengthen National Security, Keep Millions of Consumers Connected & Boost US Global Leadership

April 26, 2024

U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Chair of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, released the Spectrum and National Security Act, comprehensive legislation that will modernize the nation’s spectrum policy to protect our communications networks against foreign adversaries, restore Federal Communications Commission (FCC) auction authority, secure critical broadband funding to keep Americans connected, and invest in CHIPS and Science innovation initiatives that will boost U.S. technological competitiveness.  

“By modernizing federal spectrum strategy and restoring auction authority, we can promote innovation, boost U.S. competitiveness, and complete the ‘rip and replace’ necessary to strengthen our national security. Importantly, this proposal will also allow us to make important investments, such as $500 million to educate, train, and expand our future telecommunications workforce,” said Sen. Cantwell.

The Spectrum and National Security Act:

  • Modernizes Federal Spectrum Management: The federal government utilizes spectrum across agencies – from military operations to emergency preparedness alerts. The legislation creates a balanced process to maximize government spectrum usage and promote interagency cooperation. This coordination will position the United States to lead on wireless innovation and protect national security interests with American-led technology at home and around the world.  
  • Grows the Spectrum Pipeline: This legislation creates an efficient solution to spectrum management by directing the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and spectrum-using federal agencies to conduct feasibility assessments to find unused bands and maximize availability for all users from government to businesses.
  • Invests in New Innovative Technology: This legislation invests in wireless technology innovation like Dynamic Spectrum Sharing to maximize this finite resource by enabling multiple users to access the same spectrum bands. This includes providing $25 million to the NTIA and the Department of Defense to research and develop advanced spectrum technologies such as Dynamic Spectrum Sharing.
  • Reignites the FCC’s Auction Authority: The legislation restores the FCC commercial auction authority, which lapsed on March 9, 2023, and extends the authority for five years, until September 30, 2029. The FCC has been unable to auction commercial spectrum for over a year, hamstringing those providers trying to meet the surging spectrum demands of wireless consumers. The auction authority will provide funding for critical technology research and development initiatives.
  • Supports Workforce Training Programs: This legislation creates a new Telecommunications Workforce Training Grant Program to prepare America’s labor force for the future. $500 million in grants will be awarded to Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and Minority-serving Institutions to develop education and job training programs for students to enter the telecommunications and spectrum workforce.
  • Boosts Tech Hubs and Science: This legislation provides a critical boost in funding to science agencies and CHIPS and Science initiatives so the United States can continue to lead global innovation. It includes $2 billion for the Department of Commerce’s Regional Tech Hubs Program to fully fund more Hubs across the nation and award more strategy development grants. It provides $3 billion to boost the CHIPS manufacturing incentives program. It also provides $5 billion for NSF and NIST research programs, including critical funding for NIST facilities maintenance and construction.
  • Keeps Americans Connected Online: Currently, more than 23 million households nationwide rely on the Affordable Connectivity Program for work, school, health care and more, but risk losing service if the program is not renewed. By using proceeds from commercial auctions, this legislation provides $7 billion to continue funding this critical bipartisan program for American households. This legislation also provides $200 million for nonprofits to work with Minority-serving Institutions, including Tribal communities, to prepare funding application for broadband infrastructure and digital equity programs created by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
  • Secures American Networks and Supports Rural Providers: As the nation works to secure our telecommunications networks and remove unsecure Chinese Huawei and ZTE equipment from communities, states and rural providers are facing financial burdens in the process – some on the verge of bankruptcy. Without funding to “rip and replace” this equipment, many providers may be forced to cut off service to residents. By using proceeds from commercial auctions, this legislation provides $3 billion to continue funding the bipartisan Rip and Replace Program.
  • Invests in Next Gen 911: Every year, more than 200 million calls are made to our nation’s 911 emergency response system, according to the FCC. As technology advances, this bill provides $2 billion to continue funding the Next Generation 911 initiative to upgrade emergency services to be faster and more resilient and allow for voice, photos, videos, and text messages to work in the 911 system.

Read the latest bill text substitute amendment and section-by-section.  



“AARP, which advocates for more than 100 million Americans age 50 and older, is pleased to support the inclusion of $7 billion for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) in the Spectrum and National Security Act…By including the use of spectrum auction proceeds to fund the ACP in your bill, you are ensuring that millions of Americans living on fixed and low incomes can stay connected. AARP thanks you for your strong support for affordable internet service," said Bill Sweeney, Senior Vice President Government Affairs, AARP. [Link]


“The internet is no longer optional – it’s essential. Without broadband, our local communities cannot access opportunities in education, and employment, nor speak out online and exercise their First Amendment rights. Households who struggle to afford broadband shouldn’t have to sacrifice other necessities to stay connected. Unfortunately, the primary program to help low-income households connect to the internet, the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), proved so necessary that it ran out of funding last month. The Spectrum and National Security Act would revitalize ACP so that families in need can continue to connect,” said Jenna Leventoff, Senior Policy Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union.


Association of American Universities
“Consequently, AAU is pleased to see the authors of the Spectrum and National Security Act of 2024 (S. 4207) have recognized the need to enhance our national innovation capacity by directing some revenues to fund research and infrastructure at NSF and NIST to achieve funding levels previously authorized by Congress. Creative mechanisms to support critical U.S. scientific research are welcomed in times of tight budgetary constraints and particularly given the significant FY2024 funding reductions to the NSF. While we recognize the challenges associated with negotiating spectrum policy, we encourage Congress to work constructively to resolve remaining differences and advance into law the one-time funding for NSF and NIST contained in this legislation,” said Association of American Universities. [Link]


Association of Washington Cities
“AWC joins the National League of Cities in supporting inclusion of a funding extension for the Affordable Connectivity Program that preserves the benefits and operation of the existing program and funding for Next Generation 911…Washington’s 281 cities and towns have been unified in their support of federal efforts to ensure connectivity for all of our community members. The Affordable Connectivity Program has become a cornerstone of that effort. Too many Washingtonians lack reliable broadband access and cities need federal help to bridge the digital divide.”


Common Sense Media
“Common Sense Media strongly supports Chairwoman Cantwell's efforts to include additional funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program within the Spectrum and National Security Act.  The ACP helps low-income families get online and stay online enabling access to telemedicine, education, and career opportunities. This program has supported 23 million households from every state and enjoys strong bipartisan support in Congress. This extension would ensure vulnerable families will continue to have consistent access to high-speed internet and provide Congress time to develop a pathway for permanent funding for ACP,” said Amina Fazlullah, Head of Tech Policy Advocacy, Common Sense Media.

Competitive Carriers Association
“CCA welcomes the introduction of ‘Spectrum and National Security Act of 2024’ and thanks Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Chair Maria Cantwell (D-WA) for her efforts. Access to spectrum is crucial for U.S. wireless ecosystem growth, innovation, and connectivity. Given limited spectrum resources, policymakers must focus on reallocating sufficient licensed, full-power spectrum to ensure that all Americans, including those in rural, underserved, and unserved areas, have access to ubiquitous connectivity. It is also imperative that Congress immediately and fully fund the Reimbursement Program. Many Program participants have reached or surpassed their pro-rated funding allocations and are now making painful decisions where they will have to reduce or even eliminate wireless service for their own subscribers and the tens of millions of customers roaming onto their networks because of this national security mandate. The impacts will be especially harmful for those that could lose access to 9-1-1 and emergency services. Additionally, absent further funding, the ACP will sunset next month. I thank Chair Cantwell for addressing these priorities in this legislation and look forward to working with her and her colleagues in Congress, and Senate and House Leadership to urgently address these issues as soon as possible,” said Tim Donovan, President and CEO, CCA. [Link]


Consumer Technology Association
"The Consumer Technology Association (CTA) appreciates recent developments, including the newly released draft of the Spectrum and National Security Act, which seeks to renew the FCC’s spectrum auction authority, and provide a pathway for freeing up spectrum for licensed and unlicensed use. As demand for consumer connected devices grows, to stay competitive, the U.S. must maintain its leadership by freeing up additional spectrum. CTA hopes to work with Congress to advance legislation that restores the FCC’s auction authority and puts the U.S. on a path to continued innovation, while protecting national security interests,” said Gary Shapiro, CEO, Consumer Technology Association. [Link]


Free Press
“Free Press Action supports efforts to renew the FCC’s Spectrum auction authority. This presents an excellent opportunity to advance our national Spectrum goals, including national security and economic growth, while simultaneously generating enough revenue to support the connectivity needs of millions of Americans through renewed funding for the ACP and other initiatives,” said Amanda Beckham, Government Relations Manager, Free Press Action.


“We applaud the Senate Commerce Committee’s decisive action to reauthorize spectrum authority as well as fund Rip and Replace the ACP. All of the issues covered in this piece of legislation are mission critical to achieving Internet for All and we are happy to support this vital bill. We urge bipartisan support for this measure to ensure swift consideration and passage in the Senate and the House,” said Chip Pickering, CEO, INCOMPAS. [Link]


Information Technology Industry Council
“ITI hopes the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee can act in a bipartisan way to advance the Spectrum and National Security Act, which reinstates FCC auction authority and funds key national security priorities, including rip and replace and the CHIPS and Science Act. Continued wireless innovation depends on greater certainty and predictability about spectrum availability, and this legislation is only a first step towards a robust spectrum pipeline and freeing up more airwaves for commercial use. The technology industry looks forward to working with the U.S. Congress and the executive branch to create more opportunities for licensed, unlicensed, and shared spectrum use,” said Jason Oxman, President and CEO, ITI. [Link]


NATE: The Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association
“NATE commends Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) for introducing the Spectrum and National Security Act of 2024. The legislation is an important contribution to the ongoing deliberations regarding the US’s future policy framework for spectrum and national security. We are particularly encouraged that the proposal would fund the rip and replace program, which is important for securing our networks, protecting consumers from emerging cyberthreats. Additionally, the legislation would go a long way to improving workforce development efforts in the communications industry. Both improving the integrity of our communications infrastructure and preparing the next generation of the communications workforce are essential to closing the digital divide. We look forward to participating in these important conversations with members of the Senate Commerce Committee as they consider this path forward,” said Todd Schlekeway, President and CEO, NATE. [Link]


National Digital Inclusion Alliance
“The National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) respectfully submits this statement of support for $7 billion in funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) in the Spectrum and National Security Act of 2024… As long-time advocates of affordable internet, we strongly urge you to include funding for the now-lapsed ACP to reinstate the program while a long-term funding solution is developed… Affordable internet access is integral to America's economic growth, workforce development, and innovation. 1 By including the use of spectrum auction proceeds to fund the ACP in your bill, you are ensuring that millions of Americans can stay connected,” said Angela Siefer, NDIA. [Link]


New America, Open Technology Institute
“The Spectrum and National Security Act is good spectrum policy that would also generate new revenue to fund the Affordable Connectivity Program, which provides broadband subsidies for 23 million low-income American households. This legislation would restore the FCC’s expired auction authority, as well as ensure that the U.S. military is not forced to move off spectrum that is vital to national security. A home internet connection is a basic requirement for full participation in modern society—and there’s no revenue source more appropriate than the sale of licenses to use our public airwaves. OTI strongly supports the Spectrum and National Security Act, and urges Senators in both parties to vote for this win-win legislation,” said Michael Calabrese, Director of the Wireless Future Project, OTI. [Link]


NCTA – The Internet & Television Association
“We applaud the release of Senate Commerce Committee Chair Cantwell’s discussion draft of the Spectrum and National Security Act, legislation that will improve spectrum planning and coordination required to build a future-focused spectrum policy that supports innovation, competition and seamless connectivity.  In particular, we welcome the bill’s thoughtful approach to the study of new bands that can enable commercial use through greater reliance on the development, design and implementation of coexistence technologies that support licensed and unlicensed services. The current use and continuing evolution of technology enabling such sharing is not only beneficial to consumers, but increasingly will be required, to ‘expand the pie’ of available frequencies and meet future commercial and non-commercial needs. In addition to supporting this future spectrum work, we similarly appreciate action in the bill to extend the FCC’s lapsed auction authority, to help low-income families access broadband, and to honor prior commitments supporting the removal of communications equipment recognized as posing a security risk. We look forward to working with all in Congress on this legislation and critical issue,” said NCTA. [Link]


NTCA – the Rural Broadband Association
“NTCA appreciates the focus of Senate Commerce Committee Chair Cantwell on restoring the FCC’s lapsed spectrum auction authority and her efforts to leverage the proceeds from such auctions to help fund essential and immediate priorities like the Affordable Connectivity Program and the removal and replacement of equipment that poses security risks within our nation’s communications networks. We look forward as well to further conversations regarding how to sustain programs like these over time and to ensure they effectively achieve their important objectives,” said Shirley Bloomfield, CEO, NTCA.


QED-C Quantum Economic Development Consortium
“I am writing in support of the Spectrum Auction Bill to be marked up today.  In particular, Section 602 which makes funds available to NIST to carry out scientific and research activities that were authorized in the CHIPS and Science Act, including in areas such as quantum technologies and other critical and emerging technologies that are essential to economic competitiveness and national security. On behalf of QED-C members who depend on NIST for technical support in the area of quantum-related measurement science and standards, I am writing to encourage the committee to keep Section 602 intact. Thank you for your support for quantum information science overall and for NIST in particular,” said Celia Merzcacher, Executive Director, QED-C.


“We strongly support a legislative solution to bridge this funding gap for the CHIPS Program Office. The Senate Commerce Committee will consider the solution – Section 602 of the Spectrum and National Security Act – this week. As currently written, the proposed legislation would responsibly restore the full funding and enable the Department of Commerce to continue strengthening the domestic supply chain and reprioritize semiconductor commercial R&D projects as initially envisioned by the CHIPS and Science Act. SEMI applauds the vital work underway by the Senate Commerce Committee and looks forward to supporting the passage of the legislation on behalf of SEMI membership,” said Joe Stockunas, President of SEMI Americas. [Link]


Spectrum for the Future
“We applaud Chairwoman Cantwell for offering a forward-looking proposal that can deliver mid-band spectrum to meet America’s future needs without sacrificing national security. This proposal would restore the FCC’s auction authority and promote an innovative approach to dynamic spectrum sharing that can help turbo-charge U.S. wireless leadership without forcing us to choose between prosperity and security. “Chairwoman Cantwell’s proposal rightly recognizes that dynamic sharing is vital to maximizing limited spectrum, and consistent with the findings of the EMBRSS report, will help make that vision a reality. Spectrum for the Future looks forward to working with Chairwoman Cantwell and other policymakers to deliver on the Administration’s National Spectrum Strategy, pave the way for more innovation and more competition in the wireless market, and ultimately prioritize the needs of American consumers everywhere,” said Tamara Smith, Spokesperson, Spectrum for the Future. [Link]

“A collaborative compromise between the Department of Defense, Commerce Department, and the Joint Chiefs on spectrum use and reauthorizing the FCC’s spectrum auction authority would represent a major opportunity to make more dynamically shared spectrum available for commercial use while preserving DoD and incumbent federal agency services. Balanced spectrum sharing is critical for our future national security and affords the U.S. a global advantage and the ability to supercharge competitive mobile services, intelligent manufacturing, healthcare and educational uses, while delivering better capacity and connectivity for a wide range of users. We look forward to reviewing the reported proposal with these priorities in mind,” said Tamara Smith, spokesperson for Spectrum for the Future, on the agreement. [Link]

TechNet, America Achieves, Brookings Metro, Center for American Entrepreneurship, Engine, Federation of American Scientists, State Science & Technology Institute, Technology Councils of North America
“As the Senate builds on its bipartisan AI policy roadmap to maintain our position as a global leader in artificial intelligence, the Spectrum and National Security Act offers further opportunities to remain at the forefront of technological frontiers. In addition to restoring the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) auction authority, this legislation would provide an additional $2 billion for Regional Tech Hubs, which would enable the Department of Commerce to provide critical implementation awards to more regions working to advance key technologies. It also provides $3 billion to boost the CHIPS manufacturing incentives program and $5 billion for research programs at the National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), including critical funding for the maintenance and construction of NIST facilities.” [Link]


The American Legion
"On behalf of our 1.5 million dues-paying members, The American Legion is proud to support the Spectrum and National Security Act of 2024. The bill promotes both licensed and unlicensed spectrum innovation, removing some of the restrictions to development. And significantly, this bill will provide funding for education grants related to veteran apprenticeship programs to enhance technical education and opportunities for veterans. We are thankful for Senator Cantwell’s leadership, and the opportunity to expand veteran education in technology fields,” said Jay Bowen, Chairman, Veterans Employment and Education Commission, the American Legion.


United Church of Christ Media Justice Ministry
“UCC Media Justice celebrates the important breakthrough happening this week in the Senate Commerce Committee to fund the Affordable Connectivity Program. Faith leaders around the country have been helping individuals get connected to affordable internet using the ACP. The funding ran out at the end of May, but as soon as funding is restored the program can restart. Funding for this year is sorely needed until a long-term solution to affordable internet can be adopted. Senator Cantwell has fulfilled a long-term vision of the civil rights community of using the funds raised when private companies bid to use the public airwaves to ensure that all people have access to high speed internet,” said United Church of Christ Media Justice Ministry.


“Ample access to spectrum for unlicensed and shared technologies has made the U.S. a global leader in spectrum policy and must be a key part of our nation’s spectrum future. The Spectrum and National Security Act advances a clear strategy to maintain our global competitiveness,  standing up for innovative technologies like Wi-Fi while protecting critical federal missions that rely on spectrum. Evidence-based decision-making on how best to make use of radio spectrum contrasts starkly with approaches in countries like China, which prefers to see all global spectrum designated for international mobile telecommunications – and therefore in the hands of Chinese state-sponsored companies like Huawei. The Spectrum and National Security Act takes a technology-neutral approach to design band utilization plans that best advance U.S. needs. WifiForward commends Chair Cantwell for releasing this important legislation, and we look forward to working with her and other policymakers to ensure that the U.S. remains the global spectrum leader,” said Mary Brown, Executive Director, WifiForward. [Link]

“WifiForward commends Chair Cantwell, the Departments of Defense and Commerce, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff for today’s announced spectrum policy package, which will enhance our national security and connect our communities. Today’s deal represents a significant step forward in breaking the logjam on spectrum legislation so that the U.S. can continue to lead the world in innovative spectrum uses of all types, including Wi-Fi. We urge Congress to advance this important legislation as quickly as possible,” said Mary Brown, Executive Director, WifiForward, on the agreement. [Link]